Send SMS through MeserEser API
Mesereser API is SOAP base Web Service the function are at
In each function call user need to supply Meser Eser user name and Password and UserID
Send SMS
To send SMS use the following call
The XML structure is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<CreateAndSendSMSCampaign xmlns="">
oLogin.UserName – user name in Meser Eser system
oLogin.Password – Password in Meser Eser system
iUserId – code , you need to call Meser Eser to get this code
sCampaignName – name for the campaign , used for tracking and reporting , contact do not see this field
sMessageText – Text of the message that will be send to the contact
saGroups – you can send the SMS to pre define group of contacts, if this is the case enter group name here , You can put multiple groups
saPhoneNumber – you can send by phone number , in this case add the number you want to send to heres